
Monday, June 21, 2004

Playing House

Adam and I moved our things into our new apartment this weekend. It was an odd experience--both real and surreal. Merging our possessions reinforced the reality of the fact that we really are getting married in less than two weeks. At the same time, setting up the apartment felt a bit like make believe, as if we were just playing house.

It was also a lot of fun. We both have pack rat tendencies with each of us having about a dozen shoe boxes and albums filled with pictures and sentimental scraps. We were a bit freaked out to discover that we both had the exact same journal as our first journal. And the merging of books was quite a task. We have about 400 between the two of us and spent a good chunk of time unpacking and organizing them into categories. As of right now, it seems that the policy will be that most of Adam's things will find a home on or around the desk in the the guest bedroom/office (except, of course, the Alabama paraphanalia that seems to have been "misplaced").

I'm back at my parents house until the wedding, which means internet access for two weeks! I'll blog again soon...

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